A woman's bag is usually taken for granted and abused, but, let's be truthful, we'd be lost without it.
Handbags have been around since the 14th century, their contents changing dramatically but their use staying the same ¨C to carry personal items. They say you can tell a whole lot about a person from the contents of their handbag. So recently, for fun, I submitted an image of my bag and it's contents to be 'read'. The results where surprising and rather fun ¨C your reader even predicted my recent house move.
Along with the everyday, holds everything, 'my life's in this bag'bag, there are specific bags that every woman needs.
The Tote, meaning 'to carry' holds all essentials and a lot of non-essentials too (apparently on average women have six lip balms/sticks/glosses in her own bag at any given time ¨C I counted mine, I had seven!).
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