YMI Steps Straight into Footwear and Handbags

YMI, a leading junior lifestyle brand most commonly known for its top selling denim, recently announced that the company has reached an agreement with Blank Generation of Los Angeles, Ca., for all categories of junior footwear, handbags and small leather goods. Blank Generation's Noir Empire division will assume responsibility for the YMI product and has added additional infrastructure to support this major initiative.

YMI, a leading junior lifestyle brand most widely known for its top selling denim, recently announced that the company has reached an agreement with Blank Generation of Los Angeles, Ca., for all categorizations of junior footwear, handbags and small leather goods. Blank Generation's Noir Empire division will assume responsibility for the YMI product and has added additional infrastructure to guide this major initiative.

"We see this partnership as a great match,"said Deke Jamieson, EVP Marketing and Licensing at YMI. Blank Generation's youthful culture and successful track record in footwear and handbags makes them a perfect partner. The YMI brand has expanded dramatically and now offers fashion merchandise from "top to bottom".Along with fashion tops, activewear, dresses, sweaters, intimate apparel, sleepwear, robes and bath wraps, denim and non-denim bottoms, and outerwear, Blank Generation's footwear, handbag, and small leather goods completes a head over to toe YMI branded fashion statement.




Par HermesB le vendredi 29 juillet 2011


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